Publication Ethics

The authors willing with their own consent to publish articles in the peer-reviewed “Journal of Geosciences Research (JGSR)” (UGC recognized) are expected to agree and follow the publication ethics. The research articles manifest in the nature of original and hitherto unpublished work carried out by the authors and their working organizations. The JGSR includes the peer reviewed publications following the standard procedures (Single and /or double blind review).

The authors of the JGSR are supposed to follow and adhere to the publication’s ethics before submitting their articles:

1) It is very pertinent to include the names of the authors who have major role in framing, conceptualizing and interpreting the findings of the articles. The role of each author shall be provided in the covering letter submitted to the Editor of JGSR preferably by the first author/ corresponding author. 

2) The original data should be used by the authors while framing the articles and the proper credit should be given to the other’s work by citing their suitable published/ unpublished references and acknowledgement.

3) The authors should be ready to provide the raw data to the Editorial Board of JGSR for its scrutiny and public access.   

4) The articles submitted to JGSR should not contain effectively the same data/ research material used in the previous publications. The prior written consent must be taken from the previous journal before using the same published data a copy of which have to be submitted by the author/s to the Gondwana Geological Society (GGS) for records.

5) The authors should clarify the probable conflict of interest while submitting the articles to JGSR.

6) The authors should intimate the major error/s that has/have occurred in their already published papers to the Editor of JGSR for the necessary corrections as erratum.


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