Instructions to Authors of “Journal of Geosciences Research (JGSR)”

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The potential author (s) is/are suggested to check with the latest issue of the Journal to know the details of style/format.

Journal of Geosciences Research (formerly, the Gondwana Geological Magazine) is the UGC approved bi-annual publication (January and July) of the Gondwana Geological Society, Nagpur. It publishes original peer reviewed research and review articles, news and views, discussions, correspondence, book review and short communications on all aspects of Earth System Sciences in English.

The guidelines for submitting manuscripts to the journal are given below:

A manuscript must present results of original, unpublished work. It should be concise and well written. It is the responsibility of the author to ensure that the manuscripts submitted are original and not submitted elsewhere for publication. The manuscript (including tables and figure captions) should be provided as a single MS-word file with continuous line numbers. Figures should be provided separately.

The manuscript should be arranged as-


2.Author(s) including Institutions and address (including email and PIN Code)

3. Abstract (along with five to six Keywords)

4. Introduction

5. Geological Setting

6. Materials and Methods

7. Results and Discussion

8. Conclusions

9. Authors’ Contributions: (Conceptualization, Investigation, Formal Analysis, Writing-

Original Draft, Methodology, Data Curation, Visualization, Supervision, Reviewing and Editing, Software).

10. Conflict of Interest

11. Acknowledgments

12. References

13. Figures and Tables (If any)

14. Figure and Table captions

The manuscript should be prepared on A-4 size and preferably restricted to 4500 words for Full-length article and that of short communication should be within 1500 words, typed one-and-half space (with before and after spacing fixed at Zero). The manuscript should be set in MS-Word format using Times New Roman font. The Review Articles should be restricted upto 5500 words.

Font sizes: The title should be set at Times New Roman 16 font size and the authors’ names and affiliations at 12 font. All the text should be in 12 font size. The section headings should be set at 12 bold roman font, sub-section headings at 12 font bold italics and sub-sub-section headings at 12 font italics. Use 12 point font for table captions and 12 point roman font for figure captions. Use 10 point for rest of the table. The figure captions must be typed on a separate sheet.

The title of the paper must be short and contain words useful for indexing. The abstract should be as a single/two paragraphs in not more than 250 words. References should not be included in the abstract. Authors should provide up to six keywords for indexing.

While preparing the manuscript British English should be used as the language. Metric system should be used throughout with appropriate SI units. Math equations or tables should not be made as pictures. Use of any special typeface for emphasis should be avoided. Authors are requested to frame the manuscript in such a way that the ratio of text to illustration and tables should not exceed 3:1. 

The JGSR publishes articles in print versions. The cost of printing the volume has escalated to a great extent owing to the hikes in the cost of processing, setting, printing and stationery. Therefore, Gondwana Geological Society (GGS) has resolved to seek partial support from the authors of the accepted papers only. Photographs and line-drawing illustrations will be printed in colour and black/white (B/W). However, colour figures can be printed if the reviewers and the editors are convinced that colour is essential for the figure. For coloured and B/W illustration the worked-out cost will be intimated to the authors during the process of printing.

Photographs and illustrations should be in JPG or TIFF formats. These should be sharp, neat, clean and free of errors. Photographs should have sufficient contrast. For better reproduction send the original high resolution (450 DPI and above) photographs, figures etc. All plates, diagrams, photographs etc. should be referred to as figures and numbered serially in the order as mentioned in the text. The number of illustrations should be kept to a minimum. Linear scale should be given with photographs and maps.

One column figure should have maximum width of 8 cm and the two-column figure should have maximum width of 17 cm (including all labels and legends). The legends and label of the figures, photographs and illustrations should in Arial/Helvetica/Universe font with suitable font size.

While submitting the Research Articles, authors are also requested to furnish names, addresses and the e-mails of at least FIVE potential reviewers/experts of respective fields.

References, arranged alphabetically, should be given at the end of the article in the style as indicated below.

Raja Rao, C.S., Poddar, B.C., Basu, K.K. and Dutta, A.K. (1971). Precambrian stratigraphy of Rajasthan: A review. Rec. Geol. Surv. India, v. 101(2), pp. 60-71.

Hobbs, B.E., Mean, W.D. and Williams, P.F. (1976). An outline of structural geology. Wiley International, New York, 571p.

Sahni, A. and Bajpai, S. (1988). Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary events: The fossil vertebrates, palaeomagnetic and radiometric evidence from Peninsular India. Jour. Geol. Soc. India., v. 32, pp. 382-396.

Pascoe, J.A. (1982). Trace elemental characteristics of Lavas. In: R. Tharope (Ed.), Andesite, John Wiley and Sons, New York, pp. 240-300.

Reprints: The reprints of the article will not be provided. However, the PDF of the published paper may be provided to the corresponding author.

The manuscript for publication shall be sent online or as an attachment to the e-mail address of the journal editor ( Please visit the website of Journal of Geosciences Research ( for further details.

All authors must sign the transfer of copyright agreement provided to them by the JGSR/ available on the JGSR website. The copyright transfer covers the exclusive right and license to reproduce, publish, distribute and archive the article in all forms and media of expression now known or developed in the future, including reprints, translations, photographic reproductions, microform, electronic form (offline, online) or any other reproductions of similar nature.


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